Experiencing Delhi Art at the 48C Public Art Ecology Festival

48c Public Art Ecology Festival in Delhi

The public art ecology related ‘conversations’ at the 48c Public.Art.Ecology Festival, of various artists, architects, art critiques, curators of museums and others was an amazing experience. I will highly recommend that you participate in what ever way you can in this public art festival celebrating the city of Delhi.

The convergence of each and every one on ‘actions that would make a difference’ is something that is very inspiring. Just being there to witness the enthusiasm, what is happening without being judgmental is fun…and you can count on me for being participant observer for it where ever I could.

The ecology context within public art is related to the whole issue of Delhi aspiring to be a Global city and the balance that is demanded from Climate change consensus. Large metropolitan cities with its diversity of spaces and communities that occupy them is a relatively recent forms of civilization. Climate change consensus brings forth a new realm of possibilities for sustainable Delhi. The old way of life becomes unsustainable.

Climate change consensus has transformed the way we do everything in every day life, we are actually choosing to do things differently, we are accepting the way thing are the way they are not and committed to making a difference in every area of our life. We are now Exploring new way of life with sustainable options in sectors such as water, garbage, waste water, energy, transport entertainment… you name it. New technologies, new sources, with new institutional arrangements and new forms of action at the individual and community level then becomes possible and needs support.

48c the Public Art Ecology Festival

The 48 C conversations, made these options more explicit in the context of inclusive Delhi. It listed actions at individual or group level and the need to build linkages across different communities of practice to providing services and support for a new image of Delhi. That truly inspired me.

The whole of experience of Delhi, as we know it is being transformed right now. It is an exciting phase with lots of new possibilities calling each one of us into action. The first Public Art Festival going on right now till 21 December has made it possible…it is a must have experience.


Environmental anthropologist by training, been in the field for over 20 years, Gialome (pseudonym) is mainly concerned with the impacts of infrastructure and technology projects on local communities.

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