“To Be the Change”…that’s what DYSoC 2010 Delegates Pledged For!
The real challenge starts at the end. And the preparation that went in to come to such an end is indeed praiseworthy. Over hundred delegates turned up to face the challenge Delhi is in and took a stand against climate change. Harnessing the beautiful minds of the youth were prominent figures working on environmental issues across different fields in the city.
The carbon map of Delhi highlighted for the first time in public by its author Dr. Chirashree Ghosh, Asst. Professor in Delhi University, raised the temperature of the summit on the first day. The youth got a guiding map on how the city suffers at the hand of the climate change causing agent ‘CO2’. The second day brought forth what many delegates termed as the most exciting part of the summit, an ‘open discussion’ regarding various issues. Dunu Roy, the man known for his sharp mind and debating skill drove the discussion to many meaningful destinations and conclusions that left the audience clapping in agreement to it.
The summit highlights were well expressed through the report our volunteers came up with during working with different groups. It will be a great loss not to share such young minds at work, so the following paragraphs are dedicated to them and their voices. Enjoy reading their thoughts and works…and be a part of the change!
Water (Anupriya Shome): Water is the most important element of our life. Suppling water for consumption is facing many problems politically, socially and economically. Yamuna is the life line of Delhi, but the Delhi sewage system is going into Yamuna largely untreated. This is polluting the Yamuna on a very large scale…
Waste (Pragya Lama): Waste segregation is a major problem. Either it isn’t followed, or even if it is, the segregated waste is eventually mixed at the larger bins. We came up with a few ways to rectify this and discussed other aspects of waste management…
Energy (Munmun Chowdhary): The discussion on Energy was dominated by moral responsibility and attitude change versus commercial and financial viability. The need of the Government is to formulate policies that encourage the growth of the alternate energy sector was highlighted…
Transport (Simpy Singh): The burgeoning economic prosperity of Delhi has empowered many a citizens to purchase personal vehicles. This increase in the number of vehicles is resulting in greater emissions from the transport sector. We tried to list all the problem areas as well as their solution-approach methods for a DREAM TRANSPORT MODE…
Urban Biodiversity (Akanksha Gulia): The clock is ticking and the biodiversity is dwindling. The highlights of the discussion were Chittaranjan Park tiling, declining bird’s diversity in Delhi, North-eastern biodiversity and keeping the foundation of Squirrel Conservation Network, Delhi…
Urban Planning (Saloni Tandon): The group discussion began by a mental tour of what Delhi was since the time of the Pandavas – to the rise and fall of the most famous of the seven cities, to what it is today. The Group managed to touch almost everything remotely connected with urban planning in our quest for the correct reason as to why there was an increase in infrastructure at a pace so fast that the provision of amenities hardly kept pace…
Download DYSoC_2010_Working_Groups Discussions
Image courtesy Impuri Shimray
Also Read:
- A New End – Report on Delhi Youth Summit on Climate 2010
- DYSoC Day 1: Delhi Youth’s Eco-Rendezvouz on World Environment Day
Thanks to everyone involved, and highlighting the right issues at the right time. Already begun working to take them forward now!
Thank you Delhi Greens and Akansha for incuding my “pet issue :)” and transforming it into “our” issue. Even in my own colony this issue which I feel concerns everybody was looked upon as “Sujata’s issue only” just because I had raised it and not everyone’s issue because trees belong to us all. I guess it’s the (in)famous Delhi malaise of not wanting to take responsibility for a place that is not ours to start with!
God bless you Govind and your entire team for starting something so very meaningful and positive. May you/we go from strength to strength . . . . You make me feel that there is still hope 🙂
Absolutely agree with your comments Pragya and Simpy. Thank you Delhi Greens for being there! I can’t tell you how good it felt to be amongst a group of young people who “spoke the same language” and felt so deeply about similar issues. It also felt very good to heard and taken seriously which is so often a problem in the society we live in especially when we talk about “faltu” issues like trees, green legacy, environment, etc. and not about the “really serious” ones like how to make more money, how to squeeze in more time into one day in our relentless race towards nowhere . . . .
TO SAVE A PLANT, FIRST SEED IT INTO YOUR MIND – that actually being done at the summit, NOW ITS OUR TURN TO NURTURE IT.
Dear Delhi Greens,
Thankyou so much for the wonderful experience and exposure to the crisis our city is facing. It’s about time that we bring a considerable change to control all that is going on.
Pragya Lama