Sanctuary-RBS Wildlife Awards 2010: Nominate the Unsung Heroes Out There

Bittu Sahgal Bittu Sahgal2 BIttu Sahgal3

At DYSoC’08: Bittu Sahgal – A life dedicated to inspire young minds for green action.

The Earth Heroes initiative is a joint effort between Sanctuary and RBS to honour the extraordinary achievements of ordinary people. There are many unsung heroes out there. The Sanctuary-RBS Wildlife Awards is an attempt to let the world know that amongst us live women and men who work overtime so that the vast majority can sleep peacefully without worrying about water, oxygen, food or climate change.

Here’s an opportunity for all Delhi Greens Blog readers to nominate worthy nature defenders that you may have come across for the forthcoming Sanctuary-RBS Wildlife Awards. People who have helped protect the natural legacy of India for current and future generations. In recognizing their remarkable achievements with the 2010 Wildlife Award, the hope is to inspire many more ‘ordinary’ people to do a few more extraordinary things for the fragile planet we call home.

And you can help the Planet in making these magnificent human beings to become role models for the next generation by nominating them. Here’s your chance to help save our environment and wildlife. If you’ve been touched by a good green work, inspired by a green action, moved by hearing out or discussing issues and solutions with someone, you can let her/him inspire many more.

Download the Sanctuary-RBS Wildlife Awards 2010 Nomination Form

  • Nominations must be proposed and seconded by individuals/organisations who know the candidate well
  • A brief note (around 500 words) on the achievements that qualify the candidate for the award should be attached along with a biographical note (around 250 words) and photographs of the candidate at work
  • Any other supporting material for the benefit of the judges may be attached

Last date for sending nominations is October 31, 2010.

For further information, please contact:

Anish Andheria
Director – Wildlife Conservation Trust &
Director – Sanctuary Asia
Email: anish.andheria(at)

Aastha Kukreti

Aastha Kukreti holds a Master’s degree in Environment Management and her areas of expertise range from waste management, pollution ecology, green audits, ecofeminism, environmental equity and social justice.

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