Delhi Greens Launches Waste to Magic Campaign

‘Waste to Magic’ products at display at Hotel Lalit during CII’s Sustainability Summit

The issue of waste is not a topic that many of us like to talk about, discuss or even mention as a passing remark in our day-to-day lives. This issue neither evokes the passion as does the topic of water and energy (which are now our basic requirements) nor does it have the magnificence and charm associated with the issue of wildlife and biodiversity conservation. Yet, Delhi wakes up to over 7,000 tonnes of solid waste everyday and overflowing garbage dumps are but a common sight in many parts of the city. There is thus an urgent and strong need to address the issue of waste generation and management and create widespread awareness on it.

There is nothing called ‘waste’ in Nature, everything has its creative role. Everything can be living & beautiful. – Tsunamika (Auroville)

The present generation especially needs to be sensitized about the wasteful capitalist culture that is now spreading in the metropolitan culture of present day India. This lifestyle change has only increased the ecological footprint of our cities and is now adding much more waste into the municipal waste management system than it can handle. The children in the present day need to be reminded of the 3 Rs of an efficient society viz. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Children have an open mind and also have the ability to influence the purchasing decisions of their parents. It is for this reason that Delhi Greens now launches a ‘Waste to Magic’ campaign, with an objective of involving children in raising awareness on the issue of waste minimisation and its efficient management!

Delhi Greens invites schools in the Delhi NCR to join in the campaign and help us in organising an hour long workshop in respective schools. The ‘Waste to Magic’ workshop will sensitize the school children about the issue of waste generation and its environmental impact in a fun and interactive way. Through the medium of this workshop, students will also be demonstrated how the very word ‘waste’ is a misnomer, which even Mother Nature does not understand. The workshop will teach the students the art of thinking out-of-the-box while instilling in them the cause of protecting ‘our common environment’.

To know more about the workshop and other logistic details, please contact:

Aastha Kukreti
Mobile: +91-9873124937

Aastha Kukreti

Aastha Kukreti holds a Master’s degree in Environment Management and her areas of expertise range from waste management, pollution ecology, green audits, ecofeminism, environmental equity and social justice.

2 thoughts on “Delhi Greens Launches Waste to Magic Campaign

  1. Pingback: Waste to Magic Worhshop in Bal Bharti Public School
  2. Pingback: Magic Tricks For Kids Blog

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