Acronis Releases Environment, Social and Governance Report

ESG Acronis

Swiss based Acronis cyber protection global leader recently released its Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Report. The comprehensive report highlights diversity, sustainability, and community development efforts and programmes which demonstrate the organization’s commitment to a sustainable future and investment in its people.

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) reporting refers to a set of standards for a company’s behavior towards these aspects used by socially conscious investors to screen potential investments. The criteria for environment considers how a company safeguards the environment, including corporate policies addressing climate change, for example. A key part of Acronis’s ESG initiatives are to be climate and resource efficient and socially responsible for its employees, customers, and community.

“Acronis helps service providers to modernize their clients’ security and backup solutions with integrated cyber protection – and we’re committed to doing it in the most efficient and sustainable way,” said Patrick Pulvermueller, CEO of Acronis. “From reviewing data center power usage effectiveness to providing a diverse and inclusive working environment, we are focused on long-term benefits for our partners and employees,” he added.

The key highlights from Acronis’ 2022 ESG report are:

  • Acronis selects new data center vendors after careful consideration of their certification and energy efficiency practices. Acronis data centers are necessary to serve business and customers’ needs, keeping in mind considerable energy use and resulting carbon dioxide emissions. In line with ESG commitments to becoming more energy efficient, Acronis has begun using power usage effectiveness (PUE) to assess the efficiency of its data center vendors in its move towards the goal of becoming climate neutral.
  • Acronis has assessed its top 50 suppliers on sustainable practices by using a standard questionnaire querying ESG initiatives and goals. The company did not detect any risk within these suppliers with 70% of its vendors found to have published ESG reports recently and others expressing ESG initiatives publicly.
  • Last year, Acronis began an initiative to utilize merchandise produced from eco-friendly materials avoiding the use of plastic. This has prevented 1,826,000 plastic bottles, or 21,000 kg/46,000 pounds of plastic, from entering the oceans.
  • Acronis has begun to explore ways to help partners turn to renewable energy projects and mitigate raising energy costs. As part of this effort, Acronis has subsidized the installation of solar panels at partner offices in Nigeria ultimately helping to reduce the effects of climate change.
  • Acronis is committed to providing aid to regions suffering from conflict or natural disasters. In 2022, the company partnered with non-profit agencies and its employees volunteered to help families affected by the conflict in Ukraine.
  • A foundation programme was launched five years ago to engage in community development projects together with partners. In 2022, Acronis built five schools in underserved communities and has conducted multiple IT skills programs, reaching over 13,000 people globally.
  • Last year, Acronis introduced a Women in Tech mentorship program for 50 employees and introduced regional #CyberWomen chapters covering 10 countries and reaching more than 450 participants through global webinars for networking and career development.
  • To encourage a healthy lifestyle and work-life balance, Acronis has introduced new benefits including an additional no-work day and access to the Employee Assistance Program (EAP). This global resource is available in 27 languages to employees and eligible family members to support with the stresses brought on by pandemic isolation and current world events.
  • To increase transparency and clarity, the company publishes key compliance documents on its website and conducts regular training sessions for all stakeholders.

The Acronis 2022 ESG Report outlines the company’s plans and goals for the following year for creating a sustainable future, strengthening communities on a global scale, and fostering an inclusive work environment. Acronis was founded in Singapore and is currently celebrating two decades of innovation with more than 2,000 employees in 45 locations.

Trisha Gupta

Trisha Gupta is a sustainability professional with advanced degrees in environmental communication and conservation ecology.

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