Publishing Fee (Article Processing Charge)
Delhi Greens employs several revenue generation models to support equitable Open Access and provide an e-platform for environmentalists, environmental scientists, environmental activists, environmental photojournalists, environmental students and the civil society. Our focus remains to simplify the process of popular articles’ publications for authors and reduce the burden of cost without compromising on quality.
Following Article Processing Charges (APC) are collected against respective submission types. All published articles receive a unique URL/permalink. All authors receive unique URL/permalink as well. Each article, and the author’s page can include author’s photograph and a two-sentence bio-note of the author (optional).
- Publishing Fee (APC) for Research Note: INR 2,000/-
- Publishing Fee (APC) for Opinion piece: INR 1,500/-
- Publishing Fee (APC) for Photo Essay: INR 1,000/-
- Publishing Free (APC) for Poem: INR 500/-
- Publishing (APC) for Articles with 1 or more hyperlink: INR 3,000/-
Payment will only have to be made after the article/ contribution has been selected for publication, which will be duly informed over email.