Green Links

In its first few years, the Delhi Greens Blog included on its sidebar a list of links to environmental organisations based in Delhi. This was a source of inspiration for the Blog Editorial Team as well as the readers of the Blog. The work carried out by these organisations was often featured on the Blog.

As the list of these organisations grew over the years, they could no longer be accommodated on the sidebar and we have dedicated this entire page to all the Green Links. This page is updated regularly and old links are revised and new links are added. The last update was made by a Delhi Greens staff member on 4 April 2022.

Disclaimer: Neither Delhi Greens Blog nor Delhi Greens NGO endorses thes organisations listed below in any way. The following is merely a list of available environmental NGOs and agencies located in Delhi NCR. Please contact or subscribe to these organisation after due diligence. Delhi Greens reserves the right to add or delete any name and link from the below list at any moment and without any notice to any party.

Following is a list of environmental organisations and government agencies based in Delhi NCR.

Government Organisations (GOs)

Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs)

Educational & Other Institutions

International Organisations


To make additions or suggestions to this list, please send an email to

6 thoughts on “Green Links

  1. “On average, one tree produces nearly 260 pounds (90,000 liters) of oxygen each year”. according to Canada’s national environmental agency
    And a human being uses about 550 liters of pure oxygen per day (ie,.5% of the air we inhale). We could not exist as we do, if there were no trees. Besides, the trees also act as a giant filter that cleans the air, of particulate matter also.down to PM 2.5 and below.
    Cutting the trees is foolish and must be given up whatever the justification. Let us go to the courts with valid reasons as above. Judiciary at least will see reason.

  2. We introduced carpooling service in delhi ncr in order to contribute towards a safer and green tomorrow. Call us for any carpool related queries.

  3. What a nice line to hear Delhi Greens.. And definitely we would love to watch Delhi green.. The Nice Concept Blog you have Bro.. Keep posting…   

  4. Your blog is a good compilation of every aspect of environment. Liked it very much. Keep it up.


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