Gap Analysis – Delhi Metro’s EIA Report
Following is a Gap Analysis of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report of the Central Secretariat to Badarpur Corridor available on the Delhi Metro’s Website (here) at this link.
GAP ANALYSIS, Delhi Metro’s EIA Report of Central Secretariat to Badarpur Corridor
The key gaps identified are in valuing the ecosystem services provided by the trees and the unthoughtful Positive Environmental Impacts that are listed.
It just shows attitude of Delhi Metro personnel towards the trees and the towards the environment of Delhi.
Read the entire analysis report. It gives a great insight on the gaps which these govt. reports generally have..
Also, the report is shedding light on some already debated and discussed issues on which a general consensus has been reached. Reading this report makes one think on the same issues with a new perspective.
I hope you will continue to do similar and better work in future.Kindly keep me updated.
Very good analysis. Quite comprehensive and balanced view. Keep up the good work! 🙂