Meeting the Challenge of River Pollution, CSE Short-term Course

CSE’s Short-term training programme on

Meeting the Challenge:
River Pollution

November 13-16, 2007

New Delhi

Indian rivers are under serious threat from spiralling urbanisation and industrialisation. This situation has arisen despite the huge investments made by subsequent governments in cleaning them up. As a result, our survival – and that of rivers – is at stake.

Numerous questions come to the mind in such a scenario: Why are India’s rivers dying? Why haven’t river cleaning programmes worked? How will urban development plans like Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission impact rivers? Have common effluent treatment plants been able to address the issue of industrial wastewater management? Can our rivers be cleaned? As citizens, do we possess the right to have clean rivers?

Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) invites applications and nominations for its training programme ‘Meeting the challenge: River pollution’, which attempts to answer these and other related questions. All in the course of four action-packed days.

river pollution cseThe enormous challenge of water pollution caused primarily by human waste. also needs to be addressed There is an urgent need to switch from the current paradigm of capital, water and material intensive processes of waste management to a more cost effective, non-sewerage paradigm of human waste disposal.



Activists, NGO representatives, researchers, writers and communicators, policy makers, students, citizens… in short, anyone interested in fighting for our rivers.


  • Understand river pollution in India: how unclean are our rivers, why, and what is their present state doing to us? What has been the impact of the national river cleaning programme?
  • Recognise the impact of urbanisation and urban development programmes on rivers — learn to critically assess city development plans.
  • Gain an insight into the ‘political economy’ of water and sewage.
  • Understand water quality monitoring and assessment.
    Gauge the performance of common effluent treatment plants for industrial wastewater management.
  • Learn about the laws, regulations and judicial interventions for fighting river pollution and polluters in courts.
    Develop effective research and communication strategies for your work on rivers.
  • Prepare alternate strategies and methods for river pollution control — water-efficient homes, decentralised wastewater systems, safe reuse of treated effluents, etc.
  • Plan and design wastewater treatment units at the colony/residence levels.


  • Classroom lectures by noted river pollution experts from CSE and other institutions/organisations
  • Comprehensive reading and reference material
  • Access to CSE’s state-of-the-art resource centre and library
  • Site visits, river yatras and boat rides
  • Practicals and do-it-yourself sessions
  • Film screenings
  • Communication workshops

A certificate of participation will be awarded to all at the end of the course.


Industry and Government: Rs 8,800/- per participant
50 % discount for NGOs: Rs 4,400/-
Special discounted fees for students: Rs 1,100/-

DATE: November 13-16, 2007

VENUE: Anil Agarwal Green Centre, 38,Tughlakabad Institutional Area, New Delhi 110062


S V Suresh Babu
River Pollution Unit
CSE, 41, Tughlakabad Institutional Area, New Delhi-62
Phone: +91-11-29955124/125, 29956394
Extension: 267 or 236
Mobile: 098189 97999
Fax: +91 (011) 29955879


DG Correspondent

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