Draft Guidelines for E-Waste Management

E-waste is one of the fastest growing waste streams in the world. In developed countries, it equals 1% of total solid waste generation and is expected to grow to 2% by 2010. In USA, it accounts 1% to 3% of the total municipal waste generation. In EU, historically, E-waste is growing three times faster than average annual municipal solid waste generation. 

In developing countries, it ranges 0.01% to 1% of the total municipal solid waste generation. In China and India, though annual generation per capita is less than 1 kg, it is growing at an exponential pace. The increasing “market penetration” in developing countries, “replacement market” in developed countries and “high obsolescence rate” make E-waste as one of the fastest waste stream.

Consequenty, the Central Pollution Control Board has issued Draft Guidelines for Environmentally Sound Management of E-waste in India.


Click here to read the Draft Guidelines and understand the problems and issues of E-waste in India and the Management Strategies that are proposed to be followed.

Also Read:New Rules on ewaste HT

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7 thoughts on “Draft Guidelines for E-Waste Management

  1. Pingback: :: Delhi Greens :: » 3Rs For E-Waste
  2. Dear sir
    i m also agree with u but where is municipal corporation;s rules
    really our people is not aware about this rules if u have gujarat goverment rules about E-wast then sure you will send me on my mail id amrish1734@gmail.com
    i will implement in gujarat


  3. Indeed.

    And even if mere dumping is made an offence…the monitoring and proper implementaion would remain always an issue until awareness and society/corporate sensitisation measures are not taken.

  4. The volume of problem needs to be understood by the policy makers right now. Just making dumping an offence will not work. The step may be considered in following cronology:-
    Education of society on hazards of unsafe disposal of e-waste. Step may be part of environmental education starting at school level.
    Identifying specific sites for collection/segregation of e-waste.
    Identifying private public partnership for recycling.
    Motivating public to send / handover e-waste at specified site / to authoriesed person. Motivation may be in a way of financial return to individual.
    Auditng the entire proccess and reveiw by some independent agency and then place publically the results of such audits.
    MCDs to make time bound programme for filling up gaps identified in the entire process.
    Encourage zero waste philosophy.
    Business should owe and forced to own responsibility for collection of end of life consumer durable(ending up in e-waste.

    Rajeev Sharma
    Lead Auditor- Environmental / Occupational Health&Safety Management Systems
    Making Municipal Committees responsible for lifting and safe disposal of e-waste.

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