Ban the Bulb – Gandhigiri, Greenpeace Style

replace bulbsGreenpeace’s Ban the Bulb campaign has been around for sometime now. The demand for a complete ban on incandecent light bulbs and a switchover to Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs) has had mixed reactions so far. Though, there is no denying that since 95% of the energy used by an incandescent bulb is wasted as heat making it a hazardous substance and a contributor to climate change, many have raised concern over the fact that CFLs contain mercury vapours.

However, with respect to Climate Change, Greenpeace finds that to be a relatively smaller problem that can be tackled. Mercury is toxic and therefore Governments must implement laws that enforce recycling of CFLs and also push manufacturers to find safer alternatives and phase out the use of mercury. Also, Greenpeace is demanding that the Government implement a take back and safe recycling policy for CFLs.

Consequently, led by Bidhan and aimed at collecting media and people support over the issue, Greenpeace India carried out a silent protest march at Jantar Mantar, six days before the Republic Day. Gandhgiri was used as the tool and a bouquet of flowers was presented to the Power Minister till 26th January requesting him to initiate the phase out of the bulb and banning its use completely.

People from all over Delhi, including students from JNU, School of Environmental Studies, University of Delhi, etc. participated in the march to ensure that their voices were heard.

ban the bulb banner
A Message for the PM!

 Students of the School of Environmental Studies, University of Delhi (SES, DU) at the silent march

The Silent Protest!
 The Hindu
The protest featured in The Hindu – India’s leading National daily, the very next day.

DG Correspondent

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2 thoughts on “Ban the Bulb – Gandhigiri, Greenpeace Style

  1. Currently, one can possibly obtain a bulb fabricated from a lot of LEDs, that suits right into a regular gentle size, [link suppressed] as a result there is absolutely no dependence on buying brand new lights to be able to achieve gain from like exhilarating brand new technologies.

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