Eco-Spirituality Amidst the Fight Against Climate Change

Seeking Divine Intervention In a Global Crisis

Brahama KumarisAn International Conference on “Combating Challenges of Climate Change” was organised by the SEW (Scientific and Engineering Wing) of Prajapati Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vidyalaya: an International organisation working towards global peace and harmony through spiritualismconcluded today at the Vigyan Bhavan.

The program was inaugurated by Mr. Kapil Sibal, Hon’ble Union Minister of Science & Technology and Earth Sciences. Mr. Sibal began his address to the gathering by highlighting the direct link between the present economic crisis and global warming. The critical issue of climate change cannot be tackled without taking economic crisis into the consideration. He also talked about global food crisis as one of the major impacts of climate change.
He further stated that though we need to change our lifestyle, we should also accept that no one is really ready to change at the same time. The solution thus lies in Science and Technology which alone can allow people to live the life they want in a sustainable manner, by ensuring the incorporation of  green technologies. He also addressed the solar energy capacity and the agricultural waste to energy capacity of the India and the key role these can play in mitigating climate change. He emphasized the implementation of low cost solutions in our villages and the need to investigate and come up with community based solutions thus ensuring civil society is empowered to combat climate change.

Other issues like polluters pays principle, promoting public transport, carbon sequestration, waste to energy approach were also highlighted in the fight against climate change. Mr. Sibal also pointed out that one fifth of the world’s population consumes four fifth of the resources” thus indicating an urgent need towards ensuring equity.

There were other key speakers from various Governmental departments, Ministries, and from the Braham Kumari Network itself. Rakesh Mehta (Chief Secretary, Delhi) talked about the varied perceptions of the climate change concept. He discussed the responsibility of human beings towards our common environment. He announced that the Delhi agenda for climate change is under process. He also talked about the eight missions of National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) to prevent climate change which include the solar mission, energy efficiency, green cover, water, recycling, sustainable habitat, oceans and the Himalayan Ecology.
The inaugural session was followed by a session on meditation. Members from within the Braham Kumaris shared the benefits of meditation as the heightened awareness of the internal and external states of the world thus allowing us to see through the clouds of greed and self interest.
The technical sessions that were to follow were split into various topics and saw discussions on issues like poverty, pollution, profit, environment management, social justice, corporate social responsibility. A concept of 3A was also introduced: 

Accept; accept the problem,
Avoid; unnecessary consumption,
Alternate; life style change.
The first day conlcuded wih the understanding that by now there is virtually a universal acceptance that climate change is being accelerated by human actions. The call of our time is for a new level of awareness so that the resulting actions will lead to an entirely new climate of understanding and world benefit.

Aastha Kukreti

Aastha Kukreti holds a Master’s degree in Environment Management and her areas of expertise range from waste management, pollution ecology, green audits, ecofeminism, environmental equity and social justice.

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