Ladakh Regional Seminar on Energy & Climate Change in Cold Regions

Energy and Climate Change in Cold Regions

GERES (Groupe Energies Renouvelables, Environnement et Solidarités), a recognised international French NGO, in partnership with the European Union, GTZ (German Technical Cooperation), ADEME (French Environment and Energy Management Agency), and Fondation Ensemble, is organising a Regional Seminar on the Challenge of Development in Energy-Related Projects and Climate Change Adaptation Strategies in the Cold Regions of Asia to be held from April 21th to 24th 2009 in Leh, India.

The objectives of this seminar are:

  • to share strategies, expertise and field experience on energy and climate change issues;
  • to formulate a series of concrete recommendations in terms of policy and methodology;
  • to initiate a community of practice among the key players of the Region

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Summary and Motivation

Populations of high altitude mountains and cold desert areas of Asia face very harsh living conditions and are among the most vulnerable in the world. Physically isolated, marginalised, with limited access to natural resources, an important number of people still rely on traditional energy resources -mainly biomass- that sometimes lead to the deterioration of this fragile environment.

Besides preservation of the environment, access to sustainable energy-providing services is a critical factor in achieving major development goals.

Mountain areas are also particularly affected by climate change as relatively small changes in temperatures have severe impacts on water supply, agriculture-based livelihoods and infrastructures. Thus, addressing issues concerning adaptation strategy choices has become a primary objective for mountain populations.

For these reasons, energy as well as climate change issues have to play a particular role within development strategies and this requires active synergies between the public, local community, private and non-governmental actors.

Aastha Kukreti

Aastha Kukreti holds a Master’s degree in Environment Management and her areas of expertise range from waste management, pollution ecology, green audits, ecofeminism, environmental equity and social justice.

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