Annoucement: Fellowships Available with EEJP

Environmental Equity & Justice Partnership

Environmental Equity and Justice Partnership (EEJP) is an independent grant-making program of the Just Environment Charitable Trust and supported by the Ford Foundation.

The initiative is dedicated to helping groups and individuals foster lasting improvement in the area of environmental justice by catalysing grassroots initiatives; triggering new imagination; bringing in new perspectives; encouraging crossover linkages; promoting community participation, and providing greater opportunities to connect to the environmental thinking.

EEJP is currently inviting proposals for the year 2009 under the Environmental Small Grants (for grassroots organisations) and Environmental Fellowships (for young individuals) scheme.

The focus under the current phase of EEJP (2009-2012) is on the cross cutting issues of Toxicity, Waste and Pollution. To be eligible for EEJP support, all activities should necessarily fall under one or more of the areas listed under Focus Areas of the EEJP.

Deadline for receiving the applications is 31st July 2009. For more information visit:

Aastha Kukreti

Aastha Kukreti holds a Master’s degree in Environment Management and her areas of expertise range from waste management, pollution ecology, green audits, ecofeminism, environmental equity and social justice.

2 thoughts on “Annoucement: Fellowships Available with EEJP

  1. Pingback: :: Delhi Greens :: » Environmental Equity & Justice Partnership Fellowship Calls for Proposals
  2. Pingback: Environmental Equity & Justice Partnership Announces Fellowships | :: Delhi Greens ::

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