Invite: Day Long Orientation Session on GMOs
Are you (being planned to be used as) a Lab Rat?
The I Am No Lab Rat Campaign and a coalition of NGO’s and civil society groups invite you to a day-long orientation session on the impacts of introducing and cultivating Genetically Modified (GM) crops, that (will) eventually end up on your dining table.
The interactive session is being held on the “Intricacies of Genetic Engineering in Agriculture AND Scientific Evidence on the impacts of GMOs and will be led by Dr. Michael Antoniou, Reader in the Department of Medical & Molecular Genetics, King’s College, London.
Date: 2nd November, 2009 (Monday)
Time: 10.30 am to 3:30 pm
Venue: USO House (Near Katwaria Sarai Bus Stand), USO Road, Jeet Singh Marg, Delhi
Those interested to attend are requested to register themselves latest by 30th October, 2009 (Friday)
For further information and to register, contact:
Radha Kapuria
Mobile: 9818248459
Previously on Delhi Greens:
- Brinjal Festival Showcases Diversity of Veggie in India
- Public Lecture: GM Foods and Our Health
- Film Review: Poison on the Platter
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