Making a Climate of a Difference
The profound privilege of continuing with the blog is because of each of you who visits the site and reads it regularly. I truly appreciate you all for that and especially those who take the time out to comment on it. Similarly, climate change related negotiations exist because majority of us believe that continued greenhouse gases emission is not good. ‘This should not happen’ and so we must take action to contribute in any way we can, even if it means to read a blog or responding to one–all in the attempt to generating awareness on the topic.
This fortnight–7 December to 18 December 2009–is dedicated to negotiations on climate change and is an outcome of this collective belief. The Conference of Parties (COP), with 192 member countries, formed in 1992, is attending this conference. This is the 15th meeting and is taking place in Copenhagen, Denmark. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) created the Kyoto protocol on 11 Dec 1997. It is a systematic plan for voluntary reduction in carbon emissions by each of the nations, and now expires in 2012.
While a majority of us believe ‘this should not be’, there is no consensus on the actions that need to be taken. There is mistrust and self doubt among the members about the way out.
For economists, carbon has emerged as a trading commodity with experts complaining that the current price of $13 a tonne is too low for encouraging clean technologies such as wind and solar. Among development professionals, discussion are on for technology transfer from the rich to poor countries. 1% of GNP transfer to the developing countries amounts to $400 billion annually, by 2020, is often quoted as reasonable. Briton suggested $100 billion and the EU suggested Euro 100 billion as transfer funds for the same.
Righteous argument of the poor countries towards the rich holds little water with China holding second place with 45,301 million tones of carbon emission between 1997 and 2007 and India being 5th with 11,870 tonne.
Among political scientists, the debate is still on whether climate change a real issue and a concern for the future or just another way to promote European superiority over the US by promoting financial transfers through WB and IMF. Obviously politics and climate change make uneasy bedfellows…
And even when we have evidences like late bloom in Kerala or swallows and snow disappearing in Siliguri or sea moving inland in Valsad Gujarat or grizzlies mating polar bears in the Arctic Circles, etc. it is still being debated as to whether these are conclusive signs of climate change.
Whatever be the case, one thing is clear, we are all committed to making a difference in combating climate change. The possibility of being able to control our actions to alter the future and to control nature still excites us. We are continuing to take action in the best way we can. We do not compromise on improving our quality of life and we constantly setup goals for Human Development through HDI. That is what makes us all unique…
Yes Neetika, I agree with you. We need to inculcultate within us a sense of action. The dismal success of the recent ban on plastic in Delhi says it all. We need to get our cloth bags out, switch off those lights. WE have to do that.
Well climate change is too broad a topic. I feel that we as individuals need to really get concious and aware of what is hapenning to our surroundings. all of us want our countrym our city, our locality, our house laneand ending with our homes to look clean and pretty. but we still go on throwing garbage on the streets. i want to just stress on one thing. can we as individuals reduce our consumption. if we are very thirsty can we wait ot get home and drink water instead on buying a plastic bottle of water and then crushing that bottle. can all of us inculcate some level of ensurance. can we stop buying packaged food, not because its unhealthy for us but unhealthy for the enviornement too. Can’t we all get disciplined and start carrying our own cloth bags for shopping. why are we all waiting for the government mandates to put a ban on things. aren;t we all grown up and matured enough to understand that we all can care for the earth. we are all capable of saving our planet. Please try and REDUCE, be it shopping, consumption of food, products, fuel, electricity.
trust me the day we all stop buying potato chips or coca cola, we will lift a lot of load from mother earth. let’s wake up and feel more part of our very own nature. it will give you a high that no bottle of jonnie walker can give you.
it’ll feel good. thanks for reading. neetika
Tree plantation in Delhi is very difficult even if it is a mandate of the government. Public land cannot be used without a cumbersome process of seeking permission…the private people would rather keep thr parking space intact.
Action is required but is not coming. The poor are still facing the crisis and the problem..the rich are buying thr water, “flying” to more suitable places..until they fly to further away (but till when). Who’s climate, who’s change?
Interesting succint article. I feel when we talk of climate change action, we talk too broadly, in too generalized a manner (community participation is essential, sustainable development must be ensured). However, we must answer crucuial questions like: How does one ensure community participation? How does the concept of sustainable development translate into action for a farmer dependent on his fields for his daily bread? If I want to plant a tree today, right now, where do I do it? Simply voicing concern is not enough. We have to come up with solutions. Fast.