Invite: ‘Ek Aur Drornacharya’ Play by Antraal

Ek Aur Dronacharya by Antraal Theater Group

Antraal Theater Group presents “ Ek Aur Drornacharya” – a play written by Shankar Shesh, as a re-interpretation of the character of Drornacharya in the light of the modern education system. The  play tries to situate a protagonist, Prof. Arvind in the web of the allegiance that powers on.

How did Drornacharya become the biased teacher? What conditions led Arvind to compromise with reporting a student’s act of cheating? Vimelendu’s ghost comes as the alter ego of Arvind who forces him to compromise with the demand of the situation, though when alive, he was the one who directed Arvind as Drornacharya in a play. When Arvind is finally jailed with charges of corruption, we see how it is inevitable end of a cumulative process of compromising with the system.

The play depicts how corruption has overpowered this world. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The teacher student relationship hasn’t remained unaffected, here too, power and superiority come into play.

Duration: 1 hour 40 minutes

Date: January 09, 2010
Time: 5.30 pm
Venue: IIT, Delhi

For further details and to attend, please contact:
Fahad: 9971812730
Vishal: 9350241612

Antraal is an independent theatre group of individuals who pursue theatre purely out of interest. The other two plays presented so far are : “Mausam Ko Na jaane Kya Ho Gaya” and “Jis Lahore Nai Dekhya , Oh jamiya Nahi”. In  addition, Antraal has previously been involved with Delhi Greens in street theater performance for generating awareness on the impacts of climate change and environmental degradation.

Aastha Kukreti

Aastha Kukreti holds a Master’s degree in Environment Management and her areas of expertise range from waste management, pollution ecology, green audits, ecofeminism, environmental equity and social justice.

One thought on “Invite: ‘Ek Aur Drornacharya’ Play by Antraal

  1.  this drama is prescribed for the  3 semester  B.A/B.Sc/ students of the University of Kerala.

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