Civil Social Responsibility to Manage that Traffic Mess

Traffic Situation Delhi

Last week, Central Board of Secondary-school Certification Examinations (CBSE) began in Delhi and all over India. It is the first public examination for the children of 10th standard. This is the first among various other public exams that a child will face in her/his life. Almost all of us have gone through such a phase in our lives.

Remember our parents accompanied us mostly with our younger siblings in the tow, for the exams. Most of us are children of families where there are two or at best three children with both parents working. Our parents heavily emphasized the importance of these exams right from the day we joined the schools we went to. So did our schools and its faculty.

Remember the rush outside the assigned schools that is our centre? No matter how broad the roads outside the schools are, there is always chaos outside the gate, the honking, the traffic jams. Each of our parents have to drive us down to the centre to absolve us of our stress. Then there is an equally chaotic exit when the paper has ended.

There is a police station right at the mouth of the lane where my daughter goes for her exams. As a parent, it took me half an our to come out of the gate to the main road which is less than 100 meters. And an hour to get out of the same road after the exams were over when I went to pick up my child. As you can see I am no exception to this.

So what is the issue? The issue is neither the school that is the centre nor the police who are responsible for managing the traffic outside respective school premises. All that is needed is a small bit of traffic management. A simple one way sign that directs the traffic from one end of the lane to the other and a person authorized to do so. The issue is not to blame or find faults with anyone, but to look for something that is missing–the presence of which would make a difference. The issue is that no one is ready to take the responsibility.


Environmental anthropologist by training, been in the field for over 20 years, Gialome (pseudonym) is mainly concerned with the impacts of infrastructure and technology projects on local communities.

3 thoughts on “Civil Social Responsibility to Manage that Traffic Mess

  1. People must understand the main cuase of all the problems. our country population is the mother of all problems. no mattr hw good facilities govn provide to AAM JANTA but does this so called AAM JANTA understnd thier resposibilty??? i totaly agree with blog writer. Indians only know how to complain but they never think for solution. our country is not having 5 or 10 people to manag or provide facility. we are in crores, how can we except few people to solve our problms if we as citizens of india dont want to follow the system. Delhi have huge no of vehicles more thn all metros. its time for AAM JANTA to thnk to make country /state shine and grow for beter future for ourself and for our next genration.

  2. A much abused and badly understood BRT system, a much appreciated yet (again) badly understood (in terms of its real and environmental cost) Metro system and after the introduction of a really paradoxical ‘High’ Capacity Low Floored buses later…..we still haven’t been able to get….or perhaps even understand (or make our policy makers understand) what does it mean to have a good and efficient public transport system!

    What is sad is that nothing is being done to either ask or look for some clarifications..

  3. the real problem is lack of good & effecient public transport.
    that would lessen the carbon emmision and traffic to a huge degree

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