An Opportunity to Visit Little Lhasa in India

Monks eating Momos

Students for a Free Tibet (SFT) invite applications from interested candidates to visit Mcleod Ganj (Dharamshala), the heart of the exile Tibetan community in India.

The Little Lhasa in India from 7th-13th June,2010

  • Visit Buddhist Monasteries
  • Meet former political prisoners from Tibet
  • Interact with Tibetan activists in Exile
  • Trek and Discover Mcleodganj’s Natural History
  • Experience Tibetan Art, Way of Life


Please send an email to with a 250 word writeup of a little bit about yourself and your interest in participating in the camp. Last date for receiving application: 10th May,2010.

All candidate will have to bear travel and food costs on their own. However, SFT will assist in getting you the best bargain!

Students for a Free Tibet, India (SFT India) is the India National Network
of Students for a Free Tibet International, which has over 650 chapters in
more than 35 countries. Founded in the year 2000 from a very humble beginning as a loose network of few young activists and students based in Dharamshala campaigning for Tibet’s Independence, SFT India has grown as nation-wide network of youth, campaigning for the Fundamental Rights of the Tibetan people.

For more information regarding the Camp:
Conatct- +919971382347

Aastha Kukreti

Aastha Kukreti holds a Master’s degree in Environment Management and her areas of expertise range from waste management, pollution ecology, green audits, ecofeminism, environmental equity and social justice.

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