Heroes of IEEE Appreciated on Earth Day!

Earth Day

Celebrating the 40th anniversary of Earth Day, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the world’s largest technical professional association, highlighted commendable work achieved by its members around the globe to help preserve the planet. We all agreed to what Pedro Ray, IEEE president and chief executive officer said, “Science and technology play a vital role in creating inventive ways to preserve the Earth and its natural resources”.

From developing alternative fuel sources, to reducing society’s reliance on non-renewable forms of energy, to educating consumers on their eco-conscious energy options, and highlighting techniques to best manage and reduce environmental waste, IEEE members are making innovative strides toward preserving the Earth’s precious natural resources.

Talking about some of the highlighted works of eminent IEEE members, technology sure comes alive with a nurturing and healing spirit to make the world indeed a better place.  Members like Venkappa Gani have transformed his home in Texas into an entirely sustainable living space. Gani’s home, which includes a garden that serves as his daily food source, a rain water harvesting system and solar panels, showcases how individuals can easily implement sustainable living in their daily lives.

Another member Om Malik who is also the president of IEEE Canada, is a pioneer in the development of adaptive and artificial intelligence based controllers for application in hydro, thermal and wind electric power generators. After extensive testing in the laboratory and in actual power systems, these controllers are now employed on large generating units – bringing these alternative energy sources to the mainstream.

Adding more to the list is Daman Sood, senior member of IEEE and secretary for the IEEE Delhi Section. He is a strong advocate of clean and green environment movements in India. His activities include promoting tree plantation (having planting around 4,000 saplings in different cities in India in 2009) and leveraging social media with running the Yahoo! Group “sustainableindia”, where people can learn and share ideas around environmental sustainability. His counterpart, Mr. H.R. Mohan, IEEE senior member and chairman of the IEEE Computer Society, Madras Chapter, is passionate about Green ICT. He finds every opportunity, particularly through youth/student engagement, to raise awareness and the benefits of green ICT, reduction of eWaste.

Truly their contributions have been rightly acknowledged in Pedro Ray’s words, “IEEE members are at the forefront of numerous initiatives across the globe – ranging from using technology to harvest wind, hydro and solar power, to recycling programs and electric vehicle batteries – that are changing the world for the better; ensuring future generations enjoy an even better quality of life than we do today.”

Impuri Shimray

Impuri Shimray is a mass communication professional and is deeply committed towards working for an inclusive and sustainable society.

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