Register Yourself: Delhi Youth Summit on Climate 2010

Climate Challenge Delhi

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has”, a famous quote by Margaret Mead has been the inspiration to many beautiful minds and heroes in the society. If you belong to this group and if your mind agrees to such calling in Life, we welcome you to join us and Vote for Green.

Delhi Greens is thrilled to announce its upcoming two days action packed event “Delhi Youth Summit on Climate, 2010 (DYSoC 2010)”. We are hopeful that our blog readers and contributors, who have been with us all through this time, will once again join hands with us to achieve what the summit purposes.  DYSoC 2010 will be an action oriented and solutions based event for the greens of Delhi.

The first ever Delhi Youth Summit on Climate (DYSoC) was conducted in May 2008. Ever since DYSoC ’08, there has been a tremendous and remarkable change in the awareness level of the people and their general attitude towards the climate crisis. Environmental degradation, pollution and global warming are now recognized as imminent threats to human survival and people are ready to take action, even willing to readjust their lifestyles, to avert adverse environmental impacts of a changing climate.

Now, it’s time to convert awareness into action and direct this potential towards action oriented programmes, and demand and promote sustainable development in the country, beginning with Delhi. The capital city today is facing the dual pressure of development as well as an ever increasing population.

In the climate constrained world of today, ‘development’ itself is seen as a threat to the environment and it is indeed ‘development’ which attracts the workforce and contributes to the increasing urban population. However, development–in the real sense of the word–is essential for the growth and prosperity of a region and of a nation as a whole. Development should be sustainable and should not discount the needs and requirements of the future generation.

We would like to extend an invitation to all who want to contribute towards making the summit successful in all different ways that will benefit the cause. Especially people who have actively lend their voice and initiated green actions across the city to join us and lead the youth in the green movement. Please keep checking the blog for further updates and information. To get involved please mail or call us at:

Impuri Shimray

Aastha Kukreti

To participate in the summit download the registration form and send it to

Impuri Shimray

Impuri Shimray is a mass communication professional and is deeply committed towards working for an inclusive and sustainable society.

One thought on “Register Yourself: Delhi Youth Summit on Climate 2010

  1. Dear All,
    Good Day!
    Through this network, I would like to appeal for the following. We all know about the havoc already been done by us towards environment. Here is a chance to do our bid today, on the Environment Day. May I request you not to drive your car today (5th June) unless you have medical reason for the same? If your workplace is far off, you may try to use a public transport system rather than your own car; if it is nearer, go for cycling or walking. By doing so we may register our contribution towards a low carbon economy and a cleaner environment.
    Kindly forward the request to all your acquaintances since contribution of
    everyone counts.
    I am sure you will feel good for doing something rather than only discussing on
    carbon emission.
    With best regards,
    Yours truly,
    Pradip Dey (A Feeler for Mother Earth)

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