Call for Nominations: Sierra Clubs Green Energy & Livelihoods Achievement Awards
Delhi Greens is the official nominator organisation for the Sierra Club‘s Green Energy & Green Livelihood Achievement Awards. Launched in 2009, the objective of these Awards is to build public support for community organizations that are fighting climate change through grassroots projects that create green livelihoods. The award will be given to one or more exemplary environmental, or environmentally-related organizations that satisfy pre-determined criteria for constructive community-based work.
In this regard, Delhi Greens requests the help of concerned citizens in gathering information about grassroots organisations that are working on environment in a dedicated manner. We would like to invite you to join us in recognizing India’s other outstanding environmental leaders and help us nominate the right community based organizations that are promoting positive societal change and green economic development. Please send us any information on such organisations that you may have come across or are otherwise aware/ part of. You can mail it to us at contact(at) to reach us on or before July 15th, 2010.
Please remember that the award aims to build public support for community organizations across the country that are helping India to combat climate change by leapfrogging outdated and inefficient polluting technologies in order to create green jobs and a green economy. Any organisation that you think and know has been working on this now or since a long time deserves to be noticed. So help us help them help the country and the Planet! The 2009 award was shared by the Barefoot College in Rajasthan, EcoSphere Spiti in Himachal Pradesh and the Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA) in Gujarat.
Image courtesy Sierra Club
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