MoEF Launches National Environmental Sciences Fellows Programme

Fish in Mandakini

The Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) has launched a “National Environmental Sciences Fellows Programme” for Indian scientists desirous of working at the forefront of environmental sciences, engineering and technology, with a focus on problem solving environmental research. According to Shri Jairam Ramesh, Minister of State for Environment & Forests (IC), the programme will allow the country’s most promising young scientists to do cutting-edge research on critical issues related to the environment in collaboration with leading institutes and scientists in India and the world.

The fellowship is being launched in collaboration with selected, prestigious environmental schools/institutions in India who will sign a MOU with the MoEF. These include, among others, School of Environmental Sciences (JNU), School of Environmental Studies (DU), IIT-D, IIT-K, IISc, WII, North East Hill University (NEHU) etc. The Environmental Sciences Fellows will work for a period of one to two years at their chosen host institution to undertake research in the identified thrust areas identifi ed by the Management Committee while also strengthening connections across the participating environmental schools/institutions.

The programme is open to all scientists working in the field of environmental sciences, engineering and technology including those currently employed in Government of India/ State Government/ Public Institutions and those who are not currently associated with any public institution but are working in the area and eager to pursue a specific research that is beneficial to the Government of India. However, in the first such meeting held for the Fellowship, the Ministry has shown to be well aware of the fact that such programmes are rarely able to attract outstanding Fellows. In that, it is also working to address the real challenge of how to attract the best of our country’s talents for this Fellowship Programme. The upper age limit of the Fellowship programme has been kept at 35 years (relaxable upto 5 years).

For more information visit MoEF

Aastha Kukreti

Aastha Kukreti holds a Master’s degree in Environment Management and her areas of expertise range from waste management, pollution ecology, green audits, ecofeminism, environmental equity and social justice.

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