Sonalika and UNIC Begin Promoting SDGs Through Art


Sonalika Social Development Society, the CSR Wing of Sonalika International Tractors Ltd. (ITL), the 3rd largest tractor manufacturer of India, in collaboration with United Nations Information Centre (UNIC) inaugurated ‘ART is TRY 4 SDGs’, an art exhibition at Indian Habitat Centre to promote SDGs on 2nd March, 2016.

The Art Exhibition is showcasing paintings created by students from 17 Delhi schools depicting the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as defined by United Nations Agenda 2030.

The paintings have been put up for display from 2 to 23 March, 2016 at the Atrium Hall, Indian Habitat Centre (New Delhi) with the underlying objective of raising awareness about the 17 SDGs through the medium of Art.

Mr. Deepak Mittal, Managing Director, Sonalika ITL complimented the teachers and students for the excellent art prepared by them during the inauguration ceremony. “Their art work has served the purpose of communicating the 17 goals to transform our world effectively. We at Sonalika ITL always encourage environmental conservation and thrive for inclusive development of community and society,” he added.

The United Nations Information Centre for India and Bhutan is a partner in this initiative for promoting Sustainable Development Goals. Adopted by world’s leaders in September 2015, the post-2015 development agenda outlines 17 Sustainable Development Goals to eradicate poverty, fight inequality and injustice and combat climate change by 2030. Goals are based on five core principles, or the 5 P’s of People, Planet, Partnership, Prosperity and Peace.

The United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 emphasizes on quality education through which, the goal is to build an inclusive society in where people can have the resources to develop a life in harmony with their culture and beliefs, transcultural universal values and respect for the environment.

DG Correspondent

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