Ola Share Promotes Car Pooling Like Never Before


Ola Share, the automated ability to share your cab with others in your area, has helped keep more than 9 lakh vehicles off the road in Delhi alone in the last 5 months. Ola Share, the app-aided car pooling, is one among the many options that users can choose while booking a cab through Ola App. Sharing a cab is cheaper and is hassle free since all the work has to be done by the app (and the driver).

Ola Share claims to have saved more than 5 lakh litres of fuel because of customers opting for Ola Share in Delhi in last five months. This shared mobility solutions from Ola is definitely enabling India to go green.

Founded in Jan 2011 by IIT Bombay alumni Bhavish Aggarwal and Ankit Bhati, Ola (formerly Olacabs), is a popular mobile app for meeting urban transportation needs. On this World Environment Day, Ola shared data which shows how Ola’s shared mobility solutions are making significant contribution towards reducing vehicular pollution and addressing traffic congestion in cities across India.

As per latest statistics put together by the Company, Ola Share, India’s first social ride-sharing platform helped keep 9,10,086 vehicles off the road in Delhi, since its launch in January 2016.

Apart from lowering the number of cars hitting the road, Ola Share also helped bring down CO2 emission levels by 12,90,636 kilograms as well as saved 5,37,768 litres of fuel because of users opting for shared rides on the Ola platform across the city.

Raghuvesh Sarup, Head of Categories & CMO at Ola said, “Shared Mobility is the future of transportation in India and Ola Share has enabled citizens to share their rides and pay only a fraction of the actual trip cost while contributing towards reduction in vehicular pollution and congestion in their city.”

Growing popularity of Ola Share has made it one of most preferred choice of the commuters and the offering is running successfully in 7 cities in India. We hope this innovation will help the environment by preventing pollution and reducing congestion on the roads. Way to go Ola!

DG Correspondent

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