A Map of the World That Could Save Your Life

We live in an interconnected world today where within a matter of a few hours, an infectious disease can spread around across the globe. This calls for all human beings to prepared and alert so any kind of impending epidemic can be safely avoided.

With the resolve to save human lives, Vital Strategies has developed a website, PreventEpidemics.org to clearly display each country’s ability to find, stop and prevent epidemics, and to empower people who want to make their community safer.

PreventEpidemics is the world’s first website to provide an overall score for a country’s ability to find, stop and prevent diseases. It also allows the user to keep up to date with news of disease outbreak in all parts of the world through a map based interface.

Funded by philanthropic organizations, PreventEpidemics and its map follow on from the Global Health Security Agenda that dozens of countries first embraced in 2014.

It employs a World Health Organization tool that measures how well countries are prepared to detect potential epidemics and prevent the spread, not just from Ebola and Zika but influenza, avian flu, cholera, yellow fever and measles. The Map based interface is a good tool that helps a user immediately benefit from the website shortly after visiting it. Here’s hoping PreventEpidemics succeeds in its mission and the world remains safe from pandemics and epidemics.

DG Correspondent

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