Delhi Greens Partners with HackerEarth for Blue Planet Hackathon

Delhi Greens has partnered with HackerEarth’s Blue Planet Hackathon to bring together and award developers, designers, thinkers and creators to build a better and more sustainable future. If you have a technology based idea for protecting the environment and natural resources, apply today and win up to $500 as award.

The HackerEarth interface will enable you to connect with other like minded people, who may have the skills you need to implement your idea. Or you can meet people with ideas where your skills can come of use! The environmental crisis is real and the situation is critical. This makes it important for us as a human family to gather all our resources and work cohesively towards protecting this beautiful planet. This is the central idea of the Blue Planet Hackathon.

Hackathon Themes

The themes of the Hackathon are:

  • Wildlife Conservation
  • Forest Conservation
  • Pollution Control
  • Climate Change

Participants have to develop the application on their local system and submit it in a tar/zip file format along with instructions to run the application and source code. The entire idea need not be fully implemented however, the submission should be functional so that it can be reviewed by the judges.

The developer/developers of the web/mobile application will have all rights and own the IP of the product. However, all code needs to be in public domain (open source) for evaluation purpose. Dr. Govind Singh from Delhi Greens will be one of the judges of the Blue Earth Hackathon. Mr. Nalin Savara has also agreed to provide his valuable inputs in the judging process on behalf of Delhi Greens. Mr. Nalin Savara is CEO and Founder of Darksun Tech, a Delhi based company notable for its series of Blokstok themed Games including the upcoming Blokstok Street Fight Madness.

The winner of the Blue Planet Hackathon stands to win $500! The First Runner up will receive $300 and the second runner up will win $200. There is no registration fee for participating in this event and the last date to submit your idea/application is 10 September 2018 (5.30 am IST).

Click here to read more about this Hackathon and Click here to apply!

DG Correspondent

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