MoEFCC Invites Comments on Draft EIA Notification 2020
The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC), Government of India is inviting comments and suggestions to improve the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process in the country. The Draft Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2020 is available on the MoEFCC website and can be downloaded by clicking here.
Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) is a Report prepared by any Company or Project Proponent through a third party (usually an accredited Environment Impact Assessment Consultant Organization or ACO) before initiating a major “development” project. The Terms of Reference of how the EIA report has to be prepared is prescribed by the MoEFCC (or a similar body at the state level) and as per the instructions outlined in the EIA Notification.
This makes the EIA Notification an important document that has the capacity to protect Environment and Biodiversity. If the instructions and guidelines in the EIA Notification are not based on environmental considerations, it could also have negative impact on the environment.
In the case of the Draft EIA Notification 2020, environmentalist are already expressing concern since the Notification seems to do away with the public hearings for many projects and ease rules for expansion of projects among other things. We are today living in a time when environmental degradation is rampant and economic concerns are unfortunately overriding environmental and survival concerns in many cases.
We thus urge all environmentalists, thinkers, policy persons and advocates of environmental protection to rigorously go through these Draft EIA Notifications and contribute towards making it a robust and meaningful document. The last date for filing your comments and suggestions is 11 August 2020.
Comments and Suggestions can be sent to:
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
Indira Paryavaran Bhawan
Jor Bagh Road, Aliganj
New Delhi – 110003
or they can be emailed to
Iam completely opposing EIA2020 act..bcz it’s like digging a grave for ourselves..
This is true. We need to fight this out together, otherwise nothing will be left.
no it’s very dangerous for our india and also our life . it badly affect our india
Sir Plaese dont pass this act. Environment is the foremost important one. Please put a space for our future generation like present. Protect our environment. All in yours hands
Somebody please do something, the emails are not going to the ministry.
It is not required to implement EIA in this context now in an urgent manner. Need to discuss further in parliament and can be implemented after revising as per all stakeholders’ appropriate feedback to ensure sustainability.
Withdraw EIA 2020
Pollution of water, soil, air and the environment in some way or another when a company or enterprise-based business takes place is very cruel for the government to let go of controlling it. This world can never belong to man alone and can never claim ownership The world belongs to living beings and forest resources can never be claimed by man. Human beings are only focused on providing forests and natural resources. No one in the political arena can preserve and nurture it. The world can not live without water, said Valluvar, can live seven days without water but not even a half hour without air. Withdraw EIA 2020 from nature.
From A. Tamizhpiththan MBA.,
Life without environment cannot exist. When will we understand that.
This project not useful for future generations . So, please stop this project.
Please stop this project and let us have a place to live for future generations please stop this project
It is not required to approve EIA at this context. Please stop this project..