Against the Mindless Marking of Trees
The Students of the School of Environmental Studies (Delhi University) will be submitting a letter to the Vice-Chancellor; requesting him to show sensitivity towards the trees in the campus, some of which are decades old.
We, the students fully understand that development is not only important but is also the need of the hour, keeping in mind the upcoming Commonwealth Games. We are also aware that Delhi University has no say in Environmental matters as the decisions are mostly made by the Department of Environment, Govt. of Delhi.
We still have full faith in the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Deepak Pental who knows more of environment and botany than many of us! We are sure that most of the trees will not be felled but will be transplanted elsewhere and that a Compensatory Afforestation program will be carried out.
However, we are particularly horrified and angry at the mindless way in which the trees have been marked.
When marked After two weeks After a month
We therefore urge the Vice-Chancellor to look into the matter and ask the concerned authorities to show sensitivity towards the trees. We further request the Vice-Chancellor to ensure that any such activity in the future would be carried out ONLY after consulting the School of Environmental Studies (or a similar competent body).
What has happened in du is happening all over the city. It is upto the CM to directly intervene and do something about it.
what about the birds of delhi university? Will they be ‘trans-birded’ also? in any case, their diversity will go down. are we headed for a virtually ‘dead’ campus? is that how we preserve the heritage of du?
The picture of the tree is looking so pitiful. I hope something can be done about it.
Great effort, you can also get it signed from all the people who live around the campus and who come to the university for their morning and evening walks. Best of luck