Sahara Samay on the Trees of Delhi University

This is what Sahara Samay has to say regarding the cutting and unscientific marking of trees in the (Delhi) University campus.

New Delhi, April 26: About 1,000 trees in the Delhi University’s North Campus have been marked for felling.

The trees will be cut in order to expand the university’s sports complex, enabling it to host rugby matches there during the Commonwealth Games 2010.

These trees are being felled as the existing ground is not big enough for rugby — therefore the need to remove the trees from around the ground has arisen.

The ground has been earmarked by the Commonwealth Games 2010 Committee for rugby.

According to the Sports Director DU, Jitendra Singh Naruka, the trees had been marked for felling but he will compensate the loss by planting more trees.

However, the organisers of the Games will need the permission of the forest department before the axe falls on these trees.

The students have protested the way the trees have been marked, calling it as unscientific and callous and that even if they are not cut, they will not survive.

Previously on DelhiGreens:

The same news was also reported on Sahara NCR news channel in which the Sports Director’s interview was aired and he had said, “Ped to katenge hi, (sports complex ke liye) katne bhi chayiey. Par humein baar baar ye nahi bolna chayiey ki ped katenge, sunne mein acha nahi lagta” [The trees will be cut (for the sports complex) for sure. But we should not repeatedly say that trees will be cut as it doesn’t sound good.]

We respect the concern of the Sports Director. Atleast he accepts the fact that ‘cutting’ of trees is music to NO ONE’s ears.

Besides, the Commonwealth (Games) maybe important but our Common-Wealth is definitely MORE important ANYTIME.

Source: News from Sahara Samay 

DG Correspondent

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4 thoughts on “Sahara Samay on the Trees of Delhi University

  1. Dear Mr. Sinha,
    We havn’t heard of such a book ourselves and it would be good if you can tell us more about it. At the same time, we really don’t think there is such a book…however, a paper on the trees of University of Delhi was once written by Professor (Retd.) H.Y.Mohan Ram of the Botany Dept.

    Will check up with Professor Babu and inform you.

    Meanwhile, you can go through a relatively recent book called the Trees of Delhi by Pradeep Krishen available at any good book store/stall.


  2. i have been searching for a book on trees in delhi university. i have seen this book long time back. perhaps written by prof.c.r. babu (ex-pro-v.c.). can anyone tell me the title of the book, author, publisher and year of publication. it would be a great help. thank you.

  3. Cutting 1000 trees in DU will make it vulnerable to several environmental problems, all at the same time. This should be stopped and no excuse given to continue this activity will make any sense.

  4. Yes, now that I think of it, our common wealth is actually more important than anything else. Thank u govind for raising this point.

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