Online Petition to Save Yamuna in Delhi

The following is an email from Mr. Anand Arya

“As you are possibly aware that efforts are being made to Save Yamuna from Polluted Water and Encroachments on its banks and flood plains.  Hon’ble High Court of Delhi had passed an order to remove all encroachments from the Yamuna.  A lot of these encroachments have been removed and yet many other are being made afresh.

I had a meeting with the Additional Secretary in Ministry of Environment and Forest, GOI and presented a Concept on how additonal protection could be affored and encroachments made much difficult by declaring the strech of Yamuna passing through Delhi as a Protected Area and Framing River Zone Regulations.  My impression of the meeting was that the Addnl Secy  viewed this suggestion very favourably and I have a feeling this may just get done.

May I request you to please sign the petion on line by clicking it on the link below and following instructions there. Also, if you can forward to your contacts and request them to sign the petition.”

DelhiGreens’ note:                                                               

take action to save yamunaPlease sign the petition here:

Yamuna is the lifeline of Delhi, but has been ignored and not cared for. Instead we just expect it to contain within itself ALL the waste, etc. that we dump in it. It is time that we pay the river due respect along with the arrears.

It is surprising that we will go to as far as the Yamnotri to pray to the Gods but will not do anything about Yamuna’s dying state in our own backyard.

DG Correspondent

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2 thoughts on “Online Petition to Save Yamuna in Delhi

  1. Making the entire strecht of yaumuna as protected area will definitely go a long way in saving yamuna in delhi.

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