The Himalayan Musk Deer, IWC’s Monthly Online Chat

indianwildlifeclubChat on 18th November 2007

Log in to for an online chat on “The Himalayan Musk Deer” between 7.30 PM (IST) and 8.30 PM (IST) on 18th November 2007.

The chat will be moderated by Dr. S. Sathyakumar, who is a Reader at Wildlife Institute of India (WII), DehraDun.

Click Here to reach the chat room on the said day and time, after registering as a member.

You can also click HERE to see transcripts of the earlier chat sessions.

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4 thoughts on “The Himalayan Musk Deer, IWC’s Monthly Online Chat

  1. Pingback: “Ecological Security - Who and How?”, IWC’s Online Monthly Chat « :: Delhi Greens ::
  2. I should hope so!

    Dr. S. Sathyakumar wrote his PhD thesis on the ungulates of Kedarnath Wildlife Sanctuary alright! There isn’t any doubt then, that he is well versed with it!

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