Training Workshop: Gender Mainstreaming through Gender Responsive Budgeting
Parivartan – a not-for-profit society working towards development of individual and institutional capacities in various thematic areas for development project management is launching a new training programme titled, ‘Gender Mainstreaming through Gender Responsive Budgeting’.
This programme is designed for personnel in development agencies and projects; and development professionals striving for addressing and mainstreaming gender concerns in policies, programmes and projects. Parivartan’s initiatives are supported by knowledge inputs from Sambodhi Research & Communications Pvt. Ltd.; a leading training and development consultancy organisation.
Duration: 3 Days (20 – 22 December, 2007)
Venue: New Delhi
Who should attend
This programme, aims at building organizational capacities in gender mainstreaming through gender responsive budgeting and is targeted for operational and middle level functionaries, practitioners and consultants involved in designing, implementation, mentoring, monitoring and evaluation of development projects.
Training Outcomes
The training is specifically aimed at developing appreciation of the need and rationale for integrating gender concerns in project plans and budgets. The training outcomes would be:
- Enhanced understanding for formulation and implementation of gender sensitive projects and budgets.
- Skills for developing and using gender criteria and indicators for evaluating and monitoring the budgets at different levels.
Programme Fee
Fee for the programme is INR 6,000 per participant.
Click here to read the Programme Flyer
For further information, contact
Amrat Singh
H-35 A, Kalkaji, New Delhi-110019
Phone: 91-11-40560734, 65492502
Mobile : 09312510925