Sambodhi: Project Monitoring and Evaluation Training


Sambodhi – an initiative catering to research and allied service needs of the social sector for design and development of state-of-art knowledge ware products and provision of knowledge-based services is organising a training programme for trainers!

Programme title: ‘Inclusive Monitoring and Evaluation of Development Projects’
Duration: 4 days, From 17th to 20th December 2007
Venue: New Delhi

The training is aimed at augmenting knowledge and skills of operational and middle-level functionaries in various organizations implementing projects and involved in participatory monitoring & evaluation functions.

Specifically, the training is aimed at:

  • Providing conceptual clarity for facilitating better understanding of Stakeholder Centric Monitoring and Evaluation approaches
  • Developing requisite skills for factoring in Participatory Monitoring & Evaluation (PM&E) in Project design and developing Inclusive Monitoring and Evaluation frameworks
  • Enhancing knowledge base and develop skills for application of participatory methodologies and tools especially PRA for monitoring and evaluation
  • Augmenting knowledge and skills for facilitating analyses and interpretation of Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation information

Upon completion of the training programme, participants would better appreciate PM&E concepts, design and roll-out Inclusive monitoring systems and evaluation studies, facilitate analyses and interpretation of PM&E information; and present analyses in user friendly formats for informed decision-making and dissemination

Fees: The fee for training programme is Rs. 10,000/- per participant which includes tuition fee, reading material, lunch at the training venue and other training expenses.

Interested individuals/organisation can check out the Flyer for the programme containing more details by clicking here.

For more details, please contact:

Rajata Nayak,
Senior Executive,
Sambodhi Research & Communications,
H-35 A, LGF, Kalkaji New Delhi-110019
+91-11-40560734, 65492502

DG Correspondent

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2 thoughts on “Sambodhi: Project Monitoring and Evaluation Training

  1. Hi,
    Can you provide me some information about the M & E trainings in January 2013.
    Thank you!

  2. Please accord me the training of M/E for 2008. I am a nigerian, the Multilateral Project Monitoring Engineer for from Ogun State Water Corporation in Nigeria.

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