Public Lecture on Weathering the storm: Time for gender perspective on climate change

Environment and Health Public Lecture Series

Climate Change is expected to hit the poorest and marginalised the most. Since women form a disproportionate share of the poor in developing countries and communities that are highly dependent on local natural resources, women are likely to be highly vulnerable to the effects of Climate Change.

Women are primary care-givers in times of disaster and environmental stress, the occurrence of magnified burdens of care-giving is likely to make them less mobile. Also, since Climate Change is expected to further worsen the existing shortfalls in water resources and firewood the time taken to fetch water or wood will increase women’s workloads, thus, scuttling their opportunities to branch out into other, non-traditional activities.

The issue of rising global temperatures has been receiving great policy and civil society attention in India. But there is a need for these conversations to become more broad-based. Analyising the impacts of global warming from a gender perspective is critical for a more equitable counter and remedial strategies.

For highlighting the need for such a perspective and related challenges, ToxicsLink and IIC invite concerned citizens for a public lecture on:

Weathering the storm: Time for gender perspective on climate change


▲ Dr. (Mrs.) Jyoti Parikh, Executive Director Integrated Research and Action for Development (IRADe)

Film Screening:

▲ Global Warming – A fable from the Himalayas, A tale about a young boy who finds a solution for Global Warming from a monk in the mountains, by Nitin Das

Date: 25th January 2008, Friday
Time: 6:30 PM
Venue: Conference Room I, India International Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi.

In collaboration with India International Centre

. Invitation: Public Lecture

For further information, please contact:

Pragya Majumder
Telephone: (011) 24320711, 24328006

DG Correspondent

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2 thoughts on “Public Lecture on Weathering the storm: Time for gender perspective on climate change

  1. I could not attend the aforementioned program, but I definitely agree that there needs to be a stronger gender perspective in this environmental crisis, or else the crisis can not be solved. I personally feel there is a need for an alliance of women, women from South Asia, especially, since we share similar cultures and social norms.

    South Asian Women’s Alliance (SAWAL) for Climate Change is an Alliance which brings together the inaudible voices of the South Asian women, connects the capacities and works to build it further, conducts research, advocates for stronger voice of south asian women in the global debates on climate change. Dechen

  2. I could not attend the aforementioned program, but I definitely agree that there needs to be a stronger gender perspective in this environmental crisis, or else the crisis can not be solved. I personally feel there is a need for an alliance of women, women from South Asia, especially, since we share similar cultures and social norms.

    South Asian Women’s Alliance (SAWAL) for Climate Change is an Alliance which brings together the inaudible voices of the South Asian women, connects the capacities and works to build it further, conducts research, advocates for stronger voice of south asian women in the global debates on climate change.

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