Cycling Ride for better health and Environment

Message from the Delhi Cycling Club for all cycling enthusiasts in the city.

As you are aware that cities around the world would be celebrating the
WORLD HEALTH DAY on 7th April and this year the major focus area would be health impact of Climate Change and growing air pollution.

We at the Delhi Cycling Club have decided to organize a Group Cycling Ride to promote better health and environment in Delhi on coming Sunday (6th April, 2008 ) morning. The 16-KM cycling journey will start from India Gate at 8.00 a.m. and cover Rajpath, South Avenue, Teen Murti Bhawan, Shanti Path and Nehru Park before culminating at India Gate again at 10.30 a.m.

bicylcistAll the participants would also be given useful tips on safe cycling and sharing of cycling experience by Dr. Luc Nadal who is an International expert on Urban Planning & Design and a regular cyclist in the New York city.

We cordially invite all of you to participate in the event and enjoy a
memorable trip to Lutyens’ Delhi. You can also invite and bring your
friends and colleagues. Participation is free and open to everyone who
believes in cycling or is concerned about their health and our city’s
air quality.

All the participants are requested to assemble near Amar Jawan Jyoti,
India Gate between 8.30 and 9.00 AM.

To confirm your participation or for any other information you may
contact Mr. Vijay Chauhan or Mr. Rajendra Verma from Delhi Cycling
Club on phone numbers : 9990 22 66 44, 2437 3584, 98688 62273

You can also visit:
Delhi Cycling Club
C/o Initiative for Transportation and Development Programmes (ITDP
11/1, Jangpura Road, New Delhi-110014

1. Event participation is free and open to all (above 14 years of age)
2. Participants are requested to bring their own bicycle for the ride.
3. Cycling Club will provide bottled water and light snacks free of cost to all the participants during the journey.
4. All necessary precautions will be taken by the Delhi Cycling Club and ITDP India volunteers during the Cycling Ride, however

DG Correspondent

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2 thoughts on “Cycling Ride for better health and Environment

  1. Pingback: Invite: Sunday Climate Bicycle Ride | :: Delhi Greens ::
  2. Respected Sir / Madam,

    I am from Chennai. I am very much interested in cylcing.. but i cant find any cylcing club in chennai.. Please help .. I need to join a cycling club immediately.. Already i am late..

    Waiting for your reply…

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