IndianWildlifeClub’s Online Monthly Chat: Role of Urban Birds
Chat on 18th May 2008
Log in to IndianWildlifeclub.comfor an online chat on “Role of Urban Birds” between 7.30 PM (IST) and 8.30 PM (IST) on 18th May 2008.
The chat will be moderated by Dr. M Shah Hussain, who is is the Scientist Incharge of Aravalli Biodiversity Park, New Delhi. He is attached to the Center for Environmental Management of Degraded Ecosystems (CEMDE) of the School of Environmental Studies, University of Delhi.
Click Here to reach the chat room on the said day and time, after registering as a member.
You can also click HEREto see transcripts of the earlier chat sessions. This chat was earlier scheduled to take place last month.
Previously on DelhiGreens: