CSE requires Volunteers/Interns

Center for Science & Environment (CSE)

The Center for Science & Environment (CSE) is looking for School/College Students who wish to volunteer or do a Summer Internship with its various wings.  Those interested or wanting to know more about this should immediately get in touch at the below-mentioned contact info. Seats are limited so apply asap.

The student volunteers would get a chance to understand a bit more about environment and contribute further to the very important cause of environment awareness by working with CSE . An honorarium of Rs. 100/- per day would also be given to student volunteers.

Contact: Ramachandran at: rchandran@cseindia.org, 98106 41996.

DG Correspondent

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2 thoughts on “CSE requires Volunteers/Interns

  1. Sir,

    Someone told me about greenpeace so i would like to join internships.
    I am also a college student.I have lots of time for internship because i don’t have reguller classes.

  2. sir,

    Some days before i see your website.

    I am college student i want to work parttime so please give me an oppurtunity to prove my work.

    Thanking you,


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