Living Together in Harmony, Dhanak Din: Nehru Bal Mela

Dhanak Din

Children and Youth Festival

27th, 28th and 30th November 2008
9.30 AM to 5.30 PM

Dhanak Din and the Nehru Memorial Museum & Library (NMML) at the Teen Murti Bhawan invite all to the Nehru Bal Mela, celebrating a Children and Youth Festival much relevantly themed on ‘Living Together with Harmony’.

Dhanak Din

Woven around the themes of peace, nature and creativity, the mela seeks to be inclusive, earth nurturing, peaceful and celebrate diversity with a wide range of colourful learning oriented fun activities – planned for children of any age.

The visitors/ participants are allowed deeper involvement which makes them co-creators and owners of the event. It is not a stand alone event but a celebration punctuating the longer process of deep engagement. Workshops and interactions are planned with a few groups of children before and would continue after the event. Children would volunteer before and during the event. Other open events:

Sarfaroshi ki Tamanna : an Exhibition on Bhagat Singh, Letters that Bind: an Exhibition on Nehru, Children’s Art and writing, Pottery, science games and activities, Music, Dance, magic and Street plays, Paper craft, kabad se jugaad and visual art, Interactive games and dialogues, Book stalls, toys and food stalls.

All are Welcome. Schools and larger groups  are requested to register before hand.

For further information, Contact:

Chandana Dey | Jaya Iyer | Vagish K. Jha

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