Time to Be the Change: Gandhi Fellowships Announced

Inviting graduates, post graduatesand young working professionals across disciplines…to be a part of the solution!

Gandhi Fellowship

Gandhi Fellowship , an initiative of Kaivalya Education Foundation is an intensive 2-year programme that helps talented young people develop the leadership skills to cause disproportionate positive change in society. The Fellowship challenges these young people to support primary school headmasters to turn around their failing schools, thus improving the quality of education provided in India’s government schools. By taking on real challenges and solving ‘live’ problems that exist today in schools across India, Fellows learn the generic skills that will allow them to lead change on a wide range of issues in other sectors. In the process Fellows are themselves supported to discover what they are passionate about, what they want to do with their lives and how to go about converting their dreams into reality. This intense personal change process is needed for Fellows to become the nation’s next generation of leaders.

What is the role of the fellows?

The 2-year programme consists of hands-on field work undertaken in small government schools, rural villages or slum communities.

The role of the Gandhi Fellow is to help each of their 8 Headmasters successfully implement these projects and tackle all other challenges related to improving learning quality in their schools. In particular, this means supporting their capacity building, so that once Fellows have moved on Headmasters are able to continue to work effectively to improve their schools. This is vital if the impact that Fellows have in their schools is to last. On any one day it will mean being a resource person, a facilitator, a change-agent, a co-creator, a mentor or a constant listener!

The Headmasters themselves are undergoing  PLDP(Principal leadership development program), a process of professional & personal development while being trained in school leadership by Kaivalya Education Foundation.

You can be a Gandhi fellow if you:

  • Are self-driven and have intrinsic motivation
  • Approach any task with rigour
  • Are empathetic in dealings with others
  • Can manage stakeholders
  • Are solution-oriented
  • Are analytical

Gandhi Fellowship is a full time, 2 year fellowship offered to final year students  and young professionals across disciplines. If selected you would be a part of this professionally and meticulously designed Fellowship. You would get a grant of Rs.14, 000 pm and official accommodation. You would be based out of Ahmedabad, Gujarat or Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan.

Apply today by mailing in your resume at gandhifellowship@gmail.com

For further information, please contact:

Tripti Vyas
Head: Gandhi Fellowship Programme
Kaivalya Education Foundation

Aastha Kukreti

Aastha Kukreti holds a Master’s degree in Environment Management and her areas of expertise range from waste management, pollution ecology, green audits, ecofeminism, environmental equity and social justice.

8 thoughts on “Time to Be the Change: Gandhi Fellowships Announced

  1. Dear Sir,
    recently I have written a book entitled Reading Gandhi, published by Pearson. I want to associate with you. If you want I will send the detailed bio–data.
    With warm and personal regards. Anil Dutta Mishra

  2.  Hi! For more information I think people should go to the website. 🙂 And about ‘placement’ I want to say… ‘Time to be changed’… Gandhi Fellows don’t need placement, as they can find their place on their own… 🙂

  3. Plz I need Further details of Fellowship program,
    I am Intrested to be a part of it !

  4. i like u r goal really i intrested your thousghts and 2 years program so i want full details that program please send me my mail

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