Invite: A Film Festival Feast on the Politics of Food
Though FOOD is a basic, integral part of our life by which we seek to keep ourselves alive, it is something that we hardly give any deep thought to – how is food being produced, by what technologies and with what implications, who is controlling decisions around food production and consumption with what reasons, what role can we play etc., are all questions that we hardly mull over! These are global questions faced by every person who lives on this Planet.
Are we walking into neatly laid traps where we cannot exercise democratic choices of knowing and deciding on what we are eating, how food will get produced and what food will get produced and how it will finally reach us? Is this trap a part of the profiteering plans of large multi-national corporations and are we willingly walking into the trap? Are “modern agricultural technologies” even able to sustain the lives of the millions of farmers feeding us and helping them stay alive? Are there no alternatives to the current ways of producing and consuming food?
Through a 3 day ‘Filmy Feast’ festival being hosted by the India Habitat Centre in collaboration with Youth for Safe Food, all concerned citizens are invited to get some food for thought! on the politics of food production and agri-technologies. You would also be able to meet experts on the subject and film makers during the film festival.
Date: 29th, 30th and 31st July, 2010
Time: 7 pm (two films slotted for screening each day evening)
Venue: India Habitat Center, Lodhi Road, New Delhi
Download: Filmy Feast Festival Invitation
Some of the emerging issues around Food include food safety, a citizen’s Right To Informed Choice and Right To Know what s/he is consuming which could be violated by the entry of technologies like Genetic Engineering in our food and farming systems.
Previously on Delhi Greens:
- Invite: Indian People Tribunal on GM and Bt Brinjal
- 30th January: A Nation wide Fast to Protect Our Food Sovereignty
Dear Aastha,
Good to know you are Co-Founder of Delhi Green Organisation . I belongs to one of small town of Punjab called Barnala . As we all know well that in Punjab we are consuming extra large quantity of pesticides for our farms what was not required for fields. Also the dreadly diseases are spreading in punjab , ( MALWA AREA). I have keen interest to promote the Organic Food for our society .We are working here for better quality of food for society. Pls help and advice for same.