Delhi University’s Newly Appointed Vice-Chancellor Shows the Way!

DU Vice Chancellor Shows the Green Way Forward

From the afternoon of 29/10/2010, Professor Dinesh Singh took over charge as Vice-Chancellor of the University of Delhi from Prof. Deepak Pental. Since the beginning of his tenure, Prof. Singh has taken to himself to inspire the youth in the campus for keeping the surroundings clean and green! Recenlty, Prof. Singh participated in campus cleaning drive called by both St. Stephen’s and Hindu College.

DU VC Prof. Dinesh Singh at St. Stephen's College

The VC showed exceptional leadership in motivating the youth by initiating the cleanliness drive by himself as he went around the campus picking up litter and throwing it in the installed bins. This act inspired the students and the staff in realizing their responsibility toward the Delhi University campus and will indeed go a long way in keeping the environment of the university campus clean and healthy.

DG Correspondent

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One thought on “Delhi University’s Newly Appointed Vice-Chancellor Shows the Way!

  1. It’s a good initiative. Students and staff at the university has to understand that university cleaniness job is not a job of sweepers, it is the resposibility of everyone in the premises. Dont litter and you will see that cleaning staff will also try to make it clean which will give a better ambience and make our learning place proud as so many professors and students from other country visit the university.

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