And We’re Back, And Continue to be Hosted on a Green Server!

Delhi Greens Blog on Green Hosting

Delhi Greens wishes all its readers a Happy Holi and extends warm wishes for an organically colourful celebrations! As many of you know, the Delhi Greens Blog recently underwent major visitor traffic load coupled with some hacking attempts which forced us to stop publishing until we moved to a more secure server. That process has now been completed and we are back in action, more determined than ever, for spearheading the cause of environmental protection and sustainable development. The task continues to remain uphill but we now have more friends and allies walking with us, who understand our cause and share our vision. We have all of you and that is all the motivation we need to continue working for harmony and sustainable development.

The world surely has shaken in the past few days and both natural forces of destruction like the earthquake and tsunami in Japan and those man made, like the coalition forces striking Libya since last night, remind us of the thin line that separates peace & prosperity from chaos & destruction. Closer home, with a Government grappling with corruption and charges of scams, an Environment Minister struggles to even implement laws, let alone make new and better ones for environment protection. India’s situation today is no different from that of the world as a whole. Development needs be distributed evenly and the ways of achieving it should be sustainable. Much will change if this is understood, appreciated and incorporated into policy and planning at all levels. That is surely the underlying objective of this Blog.

As most of you know, the Delhi Greens website, this Blog, and all our other green media projects have all been hosted on a green server: a server powered 100% with renewable energy. Our upgraded projects are hosted on a green server as well and we continue to work to keep our ecological footprint at a minimum. We also appreciate the cooperation from all you all throughout this time, especially when the server started sending older RSS feeds and asking some of you to sign in to the RSS service again and again. We also take this opportunity to acknowledge the feedback, help and support from the following: Rahul Parikh, Saurav Baveja, Sharon West, Justin, Radhika Sood, Gurbax Singh, Bhavesh Swami,  Namratha Thandi and Ishita Gandhi.

All issues are resolved and we are now resuming our services in keeping you informed and in helping create more responsible citizens! Delhi Greens wishes a Happy Holi to all its readers once again and hopes the day will be full of joy and happiness for everyone. Delhi Greens also requests you all to spare a thought on this day for ‘our common environment’, its various components and the essential ecosystem services they provide. Happy Reading!

DG Correspondent

DG Correspondents are staff and members comprising writers, researchers and contributors of the Delhi Greens Blog team. Support Delhi Greens by sponsoring a post with your donation. Click here to Donate to Delhi Greens. Remember, it is in giving, that we receive.

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