World Forestry Day Plantation with Chief Minister Sheila Dixit

CM on World Forestry Day 2011

The Chief Minister Smt. Sheila Dixit, Chief Secretary Rakesh Mehta and Environment Secretary (left) Dharmendra at the Inaugural plantation ceremony for the creation of urban forest on Ring Road bypass near Salimgarh Fort, on World Forestry Day 2011.

CM shares a laugh

plantation on world water day

The CM shares a laugh with the participants and cheers them up for the plantation drive (above). Students and their teachers water a freshly planted sapling with much enthusiasm (below).

Aastha Kukreti

Aastha Kukreti holds a Master’s degree in Environment Management and her areas of expertise range from waste management, pollution ecology, green audits, ecofeminism, environmental equity and social justice.

3 thoughts on “World Forestry Day Plantation with Chief Minister Sheila Dixit

  1. To commemorate World Forestry Day – A special selection of books for kids
    [link suppressed]

  2. Respected Sheila Dixit,

    We really like the efforts your team is making for green plantation in Delhi .Most of our indians are still not aware of the Bigggggggggggggggest problem of the world           the  War  which can be more dangrous than any other war in the world the water war is on lets save water and save life of our indians.

    greate going if we can be of any help let us know

  3. dear shila ji 
    i am civilian of delhi  in delhi there are new bus stops are fixing
    but there is a very bad thing about it the malba is surroundig all
    at all bus stop from last 3-4 months peoples are facing problems 
    but there are no action to remove malba please see to it and help peoples 
    for better leaving.

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