Environmental News and Media Roundup for Week 42, 2012
Weekly environmental news roundup from across different media networks for week 42 (starting October 15, 2012) 2012.
A tree census may soon be conducted in Delhi in a bid to curb the declining number of trees in residential colonies, an official has said, even as the UN has placed the national capital in the bottom half of the world green index.
2. Delhi ranks last in world green index: UN report
This will puncture Delhi’s carefully crafted claim of being an environmentally friendly city on the basis of the widely prevalent greenery.
3. Delhi, Mumbai far from being truly prosperous: UN report
India’s mega-cities may be engines of growth for the nation’s economy but by another measure they are far from being truly prosperous, according to a report released on Wednesday by United Nations Habitat, State of the World’s Cities 2012/2013.
4. After a false start, BRT back on track
With limited road space in the Capital being seen as a major constraint in providing an efficient public transport system to citizens, the Supreme Court-appointed Environment Pollution Authority had in 2005 recommended setting up of five corridors of High Capacity Bus System over a length of 98 km and two corridors of Electric Trolley Bus System over a distance of 32 km by April 2007.
5. Arrangements for Durga idols immersion made: Delhi govt to high court
Delhi government has assured the Delhi high court that arrangements have been made for idol immersion in Yamuna during Durga puja after it was alleged that civic authorities have failed to comply with a 2009 undertaking on building enclosures and were passing the buck.
6. Norms allow limited tourism in core tiger areas
The Centre on Monday notified fresh guidelines on tiger conservation allowing “regulated low impact tourism” in the core and critical tiger habitat.
7. India’s urban expansion to impact environment: United Nations report
Growing urbanisation in India will have a significant impact on environment and the rich biodiversity which is critical to the well-being of people, a United Nations Assessment report said here.
8. Norway to try for an agreement on biodiversity
Ahead of the high-level session of the ongoing UN convention on biological diversity, Norway today said it would make efforts to reach on an agreement on biodiversity in Hyderabad.
9. Panel recommends 10-year moratorium on Bt crop trial
A panel of scientists set up on the orders of the Supreme Court has recommended a 10-year moratorium on field trials of all genetically modified or Bt food crops.