CVS, DU Invites Applications for Assistant Professor in Environmental Studies
The College of Vocational Studies, University of Delhi invites applications from eligible candidates for the post of Assistant Professor (adhoc). One Position for the said post is available to be filled and the interview for this position will take place on 02.09.2014 (Tuesday) at 4.00 pm in the college campus.
Only those candidates who are registered with the respective University of Delhi department for the Academic Session 2014-2015 are eligible to appear in the interview. The names of such candidates must figure in the Departmental panel for appointments. All conditions of eligibility applied by UGC / University of Delhi will be applicable and no TA / DA will be paid to the candidates. The candidates have been advised to bring their updated CV along with them for the interview. The College reserves the right to cancel the interview, alter the number / nature of vacancy(s), date and time etc. without intimation.
Click here to visit the college website.
Image by flowcomm over Creative Commons via Flickr