Beat the Delhi Heat, Switch to Online Shopping This Summer


Online shopping has been around for quite some time now. People of all age groups are now purchasing items of all kinds online. And with great offers at online shopping stores like Healthkart, Jabong, Amazon and some equally great discounts available at sites like CouponzGuru, shopping online has never been more satisfying!

However, if you have still not made that first order yet, look outside, and you will find yet another reason for searching your shopping list online. The Delhi summer this year has been hotter than the bearing capacity of the average Delhiite. There are unconfirmed reports of roads melting and the hot dusty winds are only adding fuel to the proverbial fire.

And if the Delhi heat is dampening your summer vacation shopping plans, it is time to get clicking and make the most of online shopping. You will find all the best brands, at the best and most competitive price and without the hassle of going from one showroom or mall to another.

Digital technology lets you properly view what you are buying and even compare different products. What’s more, you can even return something that you purchased but did not like after trying it out. And that too without having to leave the comfort of your home!

The switch to online shopping will also come with many other benefits for you. First, it will completely eliminate the high probability of getting stuck in a traffic jam the moment you leave for shopping. You will also be able to save on petrol or diesel, the price of both having gone sky high. Parking is a big challenge in Delhi today and some of the best shopping complexes also lack this basic facility. With online shopping, this is another aspect you do not have to worry about at all!

There are some indirect benefits of your shifting to online shopping as well. Less cars and people on the road implies less pollution. With less car trips made by you, you also reduce your carbon footprint and contribute your bit for saving the planet. The trade-off is simple. One person going to different shopping complexes and malls obviously generate much more pollution than one delivery man delivering shopping items to many persons in the same trip.

As you can see, there are more than one reasons for you to switch from brick and mortar to simply click and buy! Your choice of online shopping will certainly bring you relief from the Delhi heat and traffic, it will also reduce the ecological footprint of Delhi city as a whole. Most importantly, it will certainly help bring down the alarming air pollution – which has made Delhi the most polluted city in the word. So, happy clicking, for your health and for the health of our beloved Delhi!

Image by J. Gaynor via Flickr over CC

DG Correspondent

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3 thoughts on “Beat the Delhi Heat, Switch to Online Shopping This Summer

  1. Pingback: Beat the Heat with the Magic of Green
  2. It is very informative article. I like your article it is very useful for anyone. I like to share that with the increase of online shopping, Coupon and deals websites also increasing that provides huge deals and coupon code to save money.

  3. Pingback: Summer, the Season of Smart Shopping With Great Offers and Coupons

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