Earthwatch Institute India Requires Freelancers/ Interns


Earthwatch Institute India is looking to recruit freelancers and interns for its India office based in Gurgaon.  Earthwatch Institute India (EII) is a premier Scientific Research & Educational and Skill Development institution in the Environment, Sustainable Agriculture and Energy Sector with considerable experience of working with world class institutions in India, UK, USA, Australia and Japan.

Position: Freelance Assignment and Internship

The position offered will provide an opportunity to work with EII on freelance basis or as intern for fresh and early career environment/management professionals looking to work in the development sector. The assignment will provide hands-on experience in various aspects of environment and development issues across the country ranging from Water, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, Sustainable Agriculture, Skill development to Climate Change.

Requirement: Earthwatch Institute India is looking forward to a mutually beneficial association with like minded and energetic youths, who would be willing to go the extra mile to make sure that they go back informed and skilled at the end of the assignment/ internship programme. Individuals interested in proposal development, research and learning, development of communication material and networking is what we are looking for.

Duties and tasks: To work under direct supervision of senior colleagues of Earthwatch Institute India its affiliate PIs or associates in collection of data (primary and secondary), conducting field studies, feeding information into the database, managing information systems, reporting and documentation, creative inputs in learning and education programmes and publications, etc.


The position is temporary and will be valid for a stipulated time period only. Remuneration will be commensurate with experience.


The position will be based in EarthWatch India office in Gurgaon, Haryana or any other project location as deemed fit.


Interested individuals may email their CV and a short paragraph on your motivation to work on the particular environment issue/s and with EII to

Ref ID: DelGre/B/02/16/11

Top image for reference only, clicked by B. Moss via Flickr.

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