Paid Internship Opportunity at NMML, Teen Murti

The Nehru Memorial Museum & Library (NMML) Teen Murti invites applications from candidates wishing to pursue an internship in its Research and Publications Division and Library Division. The six months long internship is non-extendable and selected interns will be provided with necessary logistical support. The intern will be attached to different Sections of the NMML keeping in view the areas of interest and preference of the candidates.

A token remuneration @Rs. 10,000/- per month will be given to selected interns and Certificate will be issued to the Interns after the satisfactory completion of internship as per the recommendation of the Division Head.

Research and Publications Division of NMML lays considerable emphasis on research activities and facilitates splendid opportunities for scholars in their pursuit of academic excellence. The various Sections of Research and Publications Division host students and young professionals from almost all the disciplines in the social sciences.

The Library Division of NMML has been designed and developed as a research and reference centre on colonial and post-colonial India with its very rich and varied collection of books, journals, photographs and other resource materials on microfilm and microfiche. The library has several sections: Acquisition, Technical, Reference, Periodical, Microfilm & Photo.


For Research and Publications Division: M.A. in Social Sciences disciplines from a recognized University.
For Library Division: 1) Graduate or equivalent 2) Degree in Library Science (Desirable: Knowledge of Computer Applications)

How to Apply

Eligible and interested candidates are required to send their application and CV to the following email: (for Research and Publications Division) (for Library Division)

on or before 11 December 2017, 11.59 pm. Applications received after the last date will not be considered.

For further information, contact:

Dr. Nisar Kizhakkayil: 011-23013152 (Research and Publications Division)
Shri. Ajit Kumar: 011-23794407 (Library Division)

Image by M Kalelkar

Aradhana Sharma

Aradhana Sharma is an environmentalist and nature lover, and and takes keen interest in urging people to adopt an Eco-friendly lifestyle. She can be reached at

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