FAO Webcast on Integrating Food into Urban Planning

The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations invites everyone to a Webcast presentation of its new publication entitled Integrating Food into Urban Planning. The presentation will be made by Prof. Yves Cabannes, UCL, and Cecilia Marocchino, FAO, both of whom have coordinated the preparation of this Book publication.

They will be joint by FAO managers and experts from UNDP, ECOSAD, UNHABITAT and the 2018 World Food Prize Laureate as well as an intervention by the Mayor of the city of Valencia. The event will be webcast with simultaneous translation in English, French and Spanish.

Date: 13 December 2018
Time: 5.30 pm IST (1.00 pm CET)
URL for Webcast: http://www.fao.org/webcast/home/en/item/4912/icode/

The Webcast Presentation will put a spotlight on emerging issues of how best to integrate food systems into urban planning, if cities are to ensure food security for all, improve nutrition and management of natural resources. This is increasingly becoming crucial since 85% of the world’s population today resides in, or within 3 hours from, an urban center and some 828 million people live in slums.

The objectives of the Webcast Presentation are threefold: 1) to discuss the findings of the recently published book, 2) raise awareness of FAO’s work to the Urban Food Agenda and 3) recommend how to ramp up activities to integrate sustainable food systems into the global urban and territorial agenda. The Webcast also takes place five years after the UN themed the World Environment Day on Think, Eat, Save urging citizens to understand the role of food in sustainable development.

The Webcast presentation is targeted to a broad spectrum of stakeholders, including governmental officials, urban planners and policy makers within municipalities engaged in food systems and urban issues, development practitioners, and land professionals, field workers and development planners/ consultants and researchers.

Questions and answers sessions will follow and questions may be sent in advance to the following email address: city-food-systems@fao.org

Aradhana Sharma

Aradhana Sharma is an environmentalist and nature lover, and and takes keen interest in urging people to adopt an Eco-friendly lifestyle. She can be reached at aradhana.sharma@delhigreens.org

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